12y female with Coeliac Disease and associated physiological disturbances. A pre-case report

Abstract: 8yo female not managing her Coeliac Disease, with constipation and nightmares. Chiropractic adjustments in the Gonstead Methods appropriately modified for her age, somatotype, and disposition, were typically given at segments L2 as PR-m, T9 as PR-T, T6 as PR-T and C3 as PL-La. Counselling supported by conventional chiropractic care produce good outcomes.  

Indexing Terms: Coeliac Disease; constipation, sleep issues, behavioural problems, gluten, subluxation.

Cite: Stephenson R. 12y female with Coeliac Disease and associated physiological disturbances ( A pre-case report]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.3:Online only. URL www.apcj.net/stephenson--coeliac-disease-and-gonstead-methods/


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