The response of one conventional chiropractic clinic to the pandemic of 2020.
Abstract: This descriptive narrative documents the response of one clinic to the changes associated with state government management of public health issues associated with the global pandemic of the COVID virus. The clinic is classified as representative of conventional chiropractic providing care in the Gonstead Method. The chiropractor is known to the author for his teaching of Gonstead Methods into the university program managed by the author. The clinic location is located in older suburban Melbourne. The demography of the clinic’s location is given and images of the results of the refurbishment are presented and discussed. All images were captured with iPhone 11 Pro Max by the author. Post-processing by way of cropping and minor colour balance were made in Apple’s Photos app.
Indexing Terms: chiropractic; subluxation; Gonstead; Australia; conventional chiropractic.
Cite: Ebrall P. The response of one conventional chiropractic clinic to the pandemic of 2020. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1.2:online only. URL
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