CMRT and acupuncture in the treatment of dysmenorrhea (oligomenorhea)[Case Report]

Abstract: Acupuncture as a therapy, and acupressure as self-treatment, are increasingly widely used for gynecological conditions. While doubt remains about the effectiveness of acupuncture for gynecological conditions both acupuncture and acupressure appears promising for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

A 31-year-old female patient presented initially for low back and foot pain 5 years prior and wanted preventative wellness care. Approximately 5 years into care, February 2008, the patient discussed the possibility of utilizing acupuncture to help her cope with an irregular menstrual cycle, having only light periods (1-2 days) 2-3 times a year for over 10 years or more. The patient was assessed and treated using sacro occipital technique (SOT) chiropractic, chiropractic manipulative reflex technique, and acupuncture protocols. She was treated for a category one which involves pelvic block placement to reduce pelvic torsion and improve sacral nutation.

Acupuncture treatment followed the following protocol dictated by patient’s symptom presentation, pulse diagnosis as well as other related acupuncture diagnostic tools.

The patient was receiving chiropractic care on an ongoing preventative basis but when the treatment changed to include CMRT and acupuncture was there a change in her symptomatology and the patient responded very well with no side effects.

Indexing Terms: Chiropractic, dysmenorrhea, chiropractic manipulative reflex techniques, sacro-occipital technique, acupuncture.

Cite: Benner CD, Blum C. CMRT and acupuncture in the treatment of dysmenorrhea (oligomenorhea)[Case Report]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.3:Online only. URL 


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