Leon Chaitow: Fascial Dysfunction: Adaption as a major feature

In 2014 Dr Leon Chaitow gathered some of the most distinguished practitioners and researchers from across the spectrum of the bodywork professions to produce the first edition of this book; a multidisciplinary array of evidence-informed approaches at the cutting edge of new knowledge about fascia. In his own words: ‘This book should be seen as work in progress – a translation of current research-based knowledge, designed to counterbalance the plethora of misinformation related to fascial function, dysfunction, and treatment.’

He completed the draft revision of the second edition just days before becoming critically ill in February 2018. I helped him to complete the proofs and images in his final days. Fascial Dysfunction: Manual Therapy Approaches 2e represents the culmination of his exploration of musculoskeletal function and dysfunction that had concerned him from the beginning of his career, and combines the two aspects that he considered most important: translational research and multidisciplinary clinical perspectives. 

This excerpt summarises the spirit of the book, demonstrating its breadth and potential for practitioners in all fields.

Sasha Chaitow, PhD

Cite: Chaitow S. Fascial Dysfunction: Adaption as a major feature. Introduction to: Except from Chaitow L. Fascial Dysfunction: Manual Therapy Approaches 2e, presented as [MasterCLASS]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1:018 DOI https://doi.org/10.46323/2021018


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