Editorial Board and Call for Papers
The Journal is refreshing its Editorial Board. We will announce our new structure from Issue 5.3. Until then, the following remains:
The Asia-Pac Chiropr J maintains a continuous call for papers that build the evidence-based for chiropractic. We specifically want to talk with chiropractors in the language of chiropractors.
All submissions are peer-reviewed and we select reviewers once a manuscript is received to ensure 'best fit'.
The Journal is indexed in the Index to Chiropractic Literature. We respect ICL as our profession's referent data base.
Case Reports form a powerful evidential base and we accept both early reports which may be brief and which we publish as Primary Evidence, and full reports which we publish as Clinical Evidence.
Community: We welcome papers that report the many activities conducted by the profession’s education institutions and philanthropists and to foster greater diversity in outreach services to improve community health and well-being in underserved regions. Dr Jennifer Luu (BSc(Pharmacology), BHSc(Chiro), MClinChiro) is well-grounded in the outreach programs she conducts in Cambodia and will welcome your reports of the approaches you take to serve this important aspect of chiropractic in the community.
Research: We welcome research as original inquiry by the writer, either alone or as part of a team. Both qualitative and quantitative inquiry are equally welcome.
History: ‘History’ said Gore Vidal, ‘is best written as fiction’. The Journal is pleased to have chiropractic's Indiana Jones as its Editor for this Section, Dr Gary Bovine. Dr Bovine is a prolific reporter and explainer of our history and his role is to help you tell the story of whatever it is that has engaged you, and to support your identification of resources.
Philosophy: Papers selected for publication in this section will explore chiropractic and health care through either the lens of Western philosophy or, and preferably, the lens of Eastern philosophy. Before attempting a paper in this category it is encouraged for authors to familiarise themselves with the style of argument commonly presented in the Br J Phil Sci. The Section Editor is Phillip Ebrall (MPhotog, BAppSc Chiropr, PhD, GCert (Tert Learn Teach), DC(Hon), FICS, FACC).
Business: As the leader of the long established Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps Dr Michel Tetrault (DC) is active in many countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region and brings his considerable skills-base with practice development to nurture reports of all aspects of the successful conduct of chiropractic practice, from single clinic to multi-clinic networks.
Integration:The Japanese Journal of Integrative Medicine is a respected publication in the Japanese health-care system. Its former Editor-in-Chief and the board director of Integrative Medicine Japan, Dr Seika Kamohara (MD, PhD), is this Journal’s Section Editor for papers that address the integration of chiropractic care with broad-based care including medicine and other clinical approaches. The Journal welcomes submissions from health professionals other than chiropractors.
This Journal has chosen the term ‘exposition’ instead of the traditional ‘commentary’ on the basis of it setting forth a meaning or purpose (Merriam Webster). Writing selected by the Editor for publishing as an Exposition is expected to explain something of relevance to improving the quality of chiropractic practice, education and research. The latter two fields are in most need of improvement and contributions are welcome to this end.
Technique: The Journal places an emphasis on being ‘by clinicians for clinicians’ and considers important the publication of papers describing aspects of technique. Dr Scott Cuthbert is your mentor.
Special Projects: Dr Charles Blum DC is well known as a productive researcher and writer, with his specialty being SOT. From time to time Dr Blum will work on behalf of the Journal to solicit manuscripts for a special project.
Associate Editor: Dr Scott Cuthbert DC has the specific brief to work with authors from around the worl to bring their work to publication and indexing in the Journal.
Editor: Prof Phillip Ebrall served as Associate Editor for the Chiropr J Aust and maintains an publishing profile in a diverse range of journals pertinent to chiropractic. His writing encompasses chiropractic history and philosophy.
Executive Editor: Dr Rolf E Peters (OAM, DC, MCSc(Res)) is the Editor Emeritus of the Chiropractic Journal of Australia, over which he and Dr Mary Ann Chance presided for some 30 years to raise a newsletter to one of chiropractic’s most respected journals of record. The eclectic bent of his editorial direction sets the template for the attitude of the Asia-Pac Chiropr J.