Epitaph Part One
Extract: Internationally, organised medicine controls a monopoly over the structure and function of public health. The current elimination of Australia’s philosophy-subluxation-based chiropractic requires and gets the cooperation of government and media.
As part of the Iowa Plan, medical associations in various countries, including Australia, declared that is unethical for members to professionally associate with a chiropractor, on the pretence of protecting patient safety. Patients remain unaware that this is a profit-motivated global boycott.
Indexing Terms: health care, establishment, chiropractic, subluxation
Cite: McKibbin M. Points to ponder. Epitaph Part One [Column]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021;1.3. URL www.apcj.net/mckibbin-epitaph-part-1/
Points to Ponder
Individual validations of chiropractic occur when a new patient experiences a successful chiropractic outcome. Often, patients are incredulous when the persons own body restores their own malfunctioning body component to normal function.
Indexing Terms: health care, establishment, chiropractic, subluxation
Cite: McKibbin M. Points to ponder [Column]. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2020;1.2:Online only. URL https://apcj.rocketsparkau.com/points-to-ponder--mckibben/