Our vision:
Chiropractors will want to read us
Second Quarter 2024
(Apr to Jun)
Volume 4, Issue 4 (4.4)
clarity amongst the chiropractic noise
Cuthbert S: Proprioception in Chiropractic: Measuring tone with Chiropractic Neuro-Physiology
Masarsky: Assessment clarifiers [The wide-angle lens]
Ierano J: The upper cervical Chiropractic lineage diagram project
Getzoff: Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT): Category Three: Predictability of Outcomes
Davies: Dysponesis & the woman in transition: Diagnosis and NIP Management
Author withheld: Battles of a Chiropractic student. [WCCS]
Rome & Waterhouse: Social and professional involvements in, and contributions to, the Biological Sciences by Chiropractors: With other notable contributors to the Discipline
ASRF Case Reports
Applied Kinesiology 74th collection
In Memoriæ
Charlton: Dr Carl Hamilton
Riekeman: Dr Gerry Clum
Image courtesy of Dynamic Chiropractic. Read their tribute to Dr Clum here
'anthroposophic medicine'
Treatment plans are individualised ... to restore balance in the four formative forces and the threefold nature and to support salutogenesis and activate the individual’s innate self-healing capacity.
Anthroposophic medicine sits beautifully with the idea of Chiropractic, although at this time the WHO has not been shown this potential.
The questions now raised are, how do anthroposophic concepts and ideas fit with the GCC's denial of subluxation and its contextual foundations?
How will the WFC respect the foundations of anthroposophic medicine and link it with Chiropractic as they develop new benchmarks our training?
Learn more here ...
Podcasts we love
We need more of this exposure
Heidi Haavik explains some research findings about Chiropractic and the power of the adjustment.
The Journal is aware of numerous allegations levelled at the behaviour of Mr Brand.
We make no comment as these allegations are under investigation. We note no charges have been laid.
Living history
This 'History Moment' is a slow look at BJ's Davenport clinic, from ‘Chiropractic History’ on Facebook
For more Chiropractic History, also follow Scott Jackson on his Facebook page. This video is from Scott’s collection.
The Journal remains delighted to work with Dr Todd Waters, a highly regarded chiropractic historian. Next issue we will bring you a short video from his collection. To see the videos collected by Dr Waters, click here