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apcj Annual Report (2023/2024)
Our commitment to transparency means we share our Annual Reports with our readers. Last year the Editorial Board instructed me as Editor to develop an index. The outcome was to be an easy search by author, or keyword, or title.
This was not done for the explicit reason the Journal is indexed by Google, and our search function (see the magnifying glass top right, or on your phone tap the 3 bars) is more powerful than any manually-developed list of contents could ever be.
The Google search function is dynamic, which means it is current, and can be accessed while reading a paper. In theory it returns content within the Journal using any search terms. If you want to see our papers on 'COVID', simply enter 'COVID' and let Google do the work for you.
Also, we now present most abstracts as a narrative. There will be times when a report is provided with a structured abstract, however we are finding the narrative format flows better on mobile devices.

This issue's challenge ...
Argue that 'Socrates was Jesus'. Then argue that 'Jesus was a lot like Socrates'.

Ulysses contains over 30,000 unique words. James Joyce’s extensive vocabulary and ability to create new words and linguistic innovations make Ulysses a linguistically rich and challenging read.
From 1914 to 1921, Joyce meticulously crafted the novel, working through various drafts and revisions to achieve his desired artistic vision. Due to its explicit language and sexual content, the novel faced numerous challenges and legal battles in its early years of publication.
If you can read DD's 1910 tome from cover to cover, you can read Ulysses.
Making science palatable
It has been said science is like Brussels sprouts on a child’s dinner plate. Just like a mom insisting her child eats his veggies to be healthy, the American public reluctantly learns science, but they don’t want to give up their bad habits and convenience. Afterall, junk food like pizza tastes better than Brussels sprouts, and pizza is made easier because it is delivered right to your home.
Most people have little interest in healthcare, especially in the field of spine care, until they have a 'back attack' crisis and then they want a quick fix, with a choice from hundreds of painkilling drugs, then comes epidural steroid shots, and finally the 'bad disk' fusion surgery. But when all the medical tricks of the trade fail as upwards of 90% do, the ‘last resort’ is Chiropractic care over the objections of your family MD to never go to a chiropractor. You’ve heard of this scenario or experienced it personally. I know because as a 40-year practicing chiropractor, I’ve heard it all.
But science now shows this has been the biggest medical scam in modern history. This approach has bankrupted more Americans while leaving a trail of tears in a wake of prescription opioid painkillers and failed back surgery.
So, the challenge now is how to make this dilemma more palatable with three options to make it more enjoyable to learn:
1) Make science fun and light – like the mom playing airplane to coax the veggies in a child’s mouth.
2) Don’t force science on them; 'You can’t leave the table until you’ve cleaned your plate'.
3) Make the science lessons relevant – dress up the veggies in cute arrangements, serve with ranch dressing.
Allow me the poetic license to use all 3 options to 'Focus on sharing science that is relevant to people, that appeals to them'. I will show many scientific guidelines and expert comments in my whistleblower investigation that are very relevant, but like eating Brussel sprouts, they still are hard to understand.
I know this sounds perfectly boring to many people who would rather be eating pizza, so I have also taken the advice of the Walt Disney Institute to make these scientific 'Brussel sprouts' easier to digest with a novel approach by using some of the famous Disney characters to symbolise concepts you need to know about your spinal care without losing interest. I guarantee it will also lead you to many 'unexpected surprises' that will make your trip through life all the more pleasant without opioids and surgery when you experience the inevitable 'back attack'.
JC Smith
Ed: Be sure to read JC's Disney piece ...
Faye: What are we really doing as Chiropractors?
Govender: Walking into the world of ethics as a chiropractic student. [WCCS]
Cuthbert & Ebrall: The contemporary role of the case report in evidence generation for the discipline of Chiropractic
Masarsky &Todres-Masarsky: Long Haul COVID-19 and Subluxation: A case report
Smith: Dr Toad’s wild ride
Masarsky: More assessment clarifiers [The wide-angle lens]
Getzoff: Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT): Category Two: Systems integration
Johnson: Down the sacrum rabbit hole
ASRF Case Reports
Pryjma, Postlethwaite, & McIvor: Improvement in low tone and retained primitive reflexes in a 15-week-old female concomitant with Chiropractic care
Kotlerman et al: Improvements in anxiety and suicidal ideation in a 14-year-old female undergoing a concentrated program of Chiropractic care
Pryjma, Postlethwaite, & McIvor: Improvement in mood, sleep, head symmetry and socioemotional engagement in a 19-month-old male concomitant with chiropractic care
Watson, Postlethwaite, & McIvor: Improved digestion, sleep and mood in an 8-month-old male under Chiropractic care: A case report
Watson, Postlethwaite, & McIvor: Improvement in movement, function, primitive reflexes and digestion in a 4-month-old female concomitant with Chiropractic care: A case report
15th Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference

Are you ready for this?
A chiropractor practicing for many years in Noumea was evacuated by the Australian Government in May due to civil unrest in that country.
Here is a pic he shared with this Journal of his extraction to safety with his young family.
If you practice in 'frontier' countries you will reap generous rewards, but you must always be prepared to be moved to safety.

Students: You too can achieve success like Malachai

Adjusting Healthcare disparities
Tiahna Fiddling
Hundreds of kilometres and countless hours to access basic chiropractic care is a challenge faced by Weipa residents in Far North Queensland. Motivated by his upbringing in the remote Cape York town, CQUniversity student Malachai Clements is determined to address these healthcare disparities in underserved populations.
"Growing up in Weipa, I witnessed the need for better spinal health, and experiencing the lack of accessibility myself ignited my passion for chiropractic care,” Malachai said.
"The majority of Cape York residents live very physically demanding lives – rugby league is a way of life, intertribal conflicts are normal, and most people have labour-intensive mining or agricultural jobs.
“For most Australians, the nearest chiropractor is around a 20-minute drive away, for us, it’s 12 hours, and that is providing the roads aren’t flooded!
“The desire to help my community, coupled with my interest in the human body and biology, inspired me to pursue a chiropractic career.”
“I am working with Associate Professor Katie de Luca and her research team in applying for funding to research the need for spinal care in Cape York. Their guidance has been invaluable in shaping my aspirations and instilling in me the importance of community-focused healthcare.”
Recently, Malachai was selected as one of the 40 International Youth Delegates to attend the 2023 Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc.'s Youth Leadership Summit in Nuku’alofa (Tonga). Malachi was supported by a CQUGlobal grant though the University’s International Directorate.
He said this opportunity only further fuelled his commitment to global health equity. “The Summit was a life-changing experience, highlighting for me the need for better chiropractic care world-wide and the need for Australia to play a bigger role in supporting our Pacific neighbours. If I can successfully open a chiropractic clinic in Weipa, I would love to organise service trips up to the Torres Strait,” Malachai said.
Ep 108: WHO Chronic Primary Low Back Pain Guideline
In this episode of the ACA podcast, host Dr Anthony Coxon is joined by Dr Lyndon Amorin-Woods as they discuss the WHO guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings.
Listen to the ACA Podcast at chiro.org.au/podcast or on your device via Apple Podcasts and Spotify.