Fourth Quarter 2022 (October to December) Issue 3.2

Presenting evidence-based chiropractic clinical science

The theme of this issue is 'compassion'. We present 10 commissioned, short narratives from multiple perspectives within and beyond chiropractic. Even our radiography can be guided by compassion.

Our 25 case reports and 7 clinical science papers also encompass the idea in some way and we pause to remember a passionate chiropractor, Dr Phil Williams.

Our next issue, late December for your ‘end-of-year’ reading, will bring you some current thinking on the place of subluxation in chiropractic. 

Our love and our support is shared to all readers during these dark days.

With thanks to 

Chris Chippendale MChiro DC PgCert MRCC(Pain)
Clinical Director, Sevenoaks & Beckenham Chiropractic Clinics
Director, Patient Centred Training

Compassion is action, not just signs ...

Pediatric Chiropractic 3e

Claudia Anrig DC, Gregory Plaugher DC

This Journal respects Plaugher and Anrig and welcomes this third edition of their seminal text on chiropractic peaediatrics.

This long-awaited release takes the valuable second edition to a whole new level, offering new chapters, full-colour photos, illustrations, and tables to provide the family wellness chiropractor and the student of chiropractic a valuable reference manual covering all aspects of care for the paediatric and prenatal populations. Internationally recognised authorities Claudia Anrig, DC and Gregory Plaugher, DC have invited the leaders in their fields to contribute to this precedent-setting textbook and now offer even more valuable information for the practitioner.

The book comes with a scratch-to-reveal code which is meant to provide access to an e-version; it did not work in my case. Perhaps this is due to me receiving a complimentary 'Author's' copy. Should the Journal receive a copy to review we shall give it to a reader.

Details here


The Journal is delighted to work with Dr Todd Waters, a highly regarded chiropractic historian. Together we will bring you in each issue a short video as 'Living History' from Dr Waters' collection.

This issue presents a succinct overview of the Wilk vs AMA matter.

For more videos by Dr Waters, click here

All you need to know to write for us


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