First Quarter 2023 (January to March) Issue 3.3

The home of friendly papers & articles on and about chiropractic clinical science

The feature topic for this issue is 'subluxation'. We present a number of papers from multiple chiropractic perspectives. Our case reports and clinical science papers also encompass the idea in some way.

In this issue a proposal is made to shift the rhetoric in chiropractic away from a slanging match between 'vitalists' and 'deniers' to a more reasonable ground of debate in the philosophical manner using the terms 'realist', 'post-realist', and 'absurdist'.

Our next issue (2023 Second Quarter, due late March) will bring you some current thinking on Men's Health in chiropractic. 

This issue marks our 4th thesis publication. Dr Marina Fox of NZCC addresses 'Vitalism in a chiropractic programme – A New Zealand case study' and concludes 'In the face of the new biology of complex adaptive systems there is potential for a greater common understanding that, with further research and discussion, could lessen the divide even further.' 

Scroll down to our theses section. There you will also find the Doctoral (PhD) theses of A/Prof Navine Haworth (Academic Dean, ACC), Dr Donald McDowall (Adjunct Fellow, SCU), and Dr Dennis Richards (Adjunct Fellow, SCU).


Editorial: Bushfires, blizzards, flooding, tornadoes, COVID, and scammers: Is an amnesty the answer?

Dion: Finding your own way [WCCS]

Masarsky & Todres-Masarsky: Long COVID: A Risk Factor for Scoliosis Incidence and Exacerbation? [Hypothesis].

Davis & Blum: A history of temporal sphenoidal (TS) diagnosis and its clinical application

Leung & Chu: Cervical Spondylosis and visual dysfunction: A brief overview

Palomar & Svet: Neuroreceptor therapy; the method of  Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) in functional neurology: from theory to practice

Kirdoglo:  Etiopathogenetic significance of hidden compression syndromes in chronic low back pain syndrome development. / Глеб КИРДОГЛО: ЭТИОПАТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ СКРЫТЫХ КОМПРЕССИОННЫХ СИНДРОМОВ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ХРОНИЧЕСКОГО БОЛЕВОГО СИНДРОМА НИЖНЕЙ ЧАСТИ СПИНЫ [Russian] / Kirdoglo: Етіопатогенетичне значення прихованих компресійних синдромів у розвитку синдрому хронічного болю в попереку. [Ukrainian]

Marienthal: Manual muscle testing as an indicator for dysfunction of the cervical spine and the effect of chiropractic treatment on grip strength

Garten: Heterophoria, Panic Disorder, Exposure-Based Treatment: A case report [German]

Willenborg: Helmet therapy for skull deformities

Blum: Channeling healing energy: The power of words in the chiropractic clinical encounter, Part two

Fox et al: Vitalism in a New Zealand chiropractic program


The Journal is delighted to work with Dr Todd Waters, a highly regarded chiropractic historian. Together we will bring you in each issue a short video as 'Living History' from Dr Waters' collection.

This issue presents an overview of the lexicon differences between the Palmers and Oakley Smith.

For more videos by Dr Waters, click here

All you need to know to write for us


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