ASRF Case Reports (Reproductive health)
Steinberg et al: Resolution of infertility concomitant with chiropractic care in a 28-year-old female
Kotlerman et al: Improved fertility outcomes following multiple IVF failures in a patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hashimoto’s Disease
Steinberg et al: Improvement in reproductive health in a 38-year-old female under chiropractic care
Case Reports
Masarsky & Todres-Masarsky: Long COVID Pharyngitis, Possible Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia, and Subluxation
Shelley & Blum: Pregnancy, sacroiliac joint laxity, and the SOT category two pelvic distortion
Beck & Blum: Vision induced chronic low back pain
Beck: Vision induced migraine headaches
Champion: Base Posterior Sacrum Subluxation: A case series of 3
Walker: SOT and Nocturnal Enuresis in Children: Three Case Reports
Stowell & Blum: Correction of Pigeon Toe or In-Toeing in a 2½ y female (low force care, SOT)
Masarsky: The laboratory, inside and outside
Editorial: Towards truth and trust in the discipline of Chiropractic
Blum & Ebrall: Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference 2023: Notes from Louisiana
Miller, B: Turn up, be present, and give
Yin et al: Clinical skills in job analysis of Korean Medicine professionals
Rome & Waterhouse: The Vertebral Subluxation premise: Part 1
Cuthbert at al: Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Blum & Blum: Channelling healing energy: Awareness of Transference and Countertransference
Smith JC: Presidential Executive Order 14036 [Commentary]
Blum: Chiropractic care of post-concussion syndrome patients: Incorporating salivary biomarker assessment
Garcia: Narrative Systematic Review of studies of NSAIDS and LBP
McKibbin: Trustworthiness and EBM [Point of View]
Blum: Safety considerations of using gadolinium as a contrast agent for MRIs
Ebrall: A philosophy for Transnational Chiropractic education
Abstracts from the 14th Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference 2023
Alvarez: A 5½ mo female successfully treated for plagiocephaly/brachycephaly with sacro occipital technique cranial protocols
Bloink & Blum: Treatment of an ageing patient with cervicogenic and craniocervical related tinnitus
Brayton: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Co-Treatment of SOT Chiropractic, The Tupler Technique and Microcurrent
Boro: Chiropractic care of a 6-year-old male child presenting with severe eye trauma
Blum: Asymmetrical lumbar facets complicating a diversified HVLA lumbar side posture adjustment
Greene: 60 year old female presenting in acute pain wheeled into an office on a dolly
Bloink & Blum: Treatment of a patient with cervicogenic related vertigo
Lee: Sacro occipital technique care for a 7-year-old male patient with ADHD
Mirell: Sexuality in Our 55 Year Old and Older Patient Population
Blum: Grade three anterolisthesis L5/S1 of a 28 year old female
Nichols & Nichols: The effect of sacro occipital technique (SOT) category one procedures on Chiari type 1 and cystic syringomyelia
Stowell: Chiropractic in a integrative medical health practice: A narrative
Blum: Successful co-management of a patient with C7/8 nerve dysfunction scheduled for surgery
Weiner & Murzycki: Improvement in nasal turbinate and adenotonsillar hypertrophy and its concomitant symptomatology with paediatric chiropractic care
- hormesis -
'In the fields of biology and medicine hormesis is defined as an adaptive response of cells and organisms to a moderate (usually intermittent) stress'
Scattered people
'FREEDOM' is one of this Journal's three pillars. Dr John Swatland of Brisbane is a chiropractor and a film-maker who cares and with Lizzi produced this amazing documentary. We like it, and think you will too. Look for 'Scattered People' clips on YouTube. Refugee Week is from 20 June 2023 with the theme Finding Freedom.
The Journal is delighted to work with Dr Todd Waters, a highly regarded chiropractic historian. Together we will bring you in each issue a short video as 'Living History' from Dr Waters' collection.
This issue examines the death of Dr DD Palmer.
For more videos by Dr Waters, click here