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To achieve a critical mass of writers to start a chain reaction for conventional Chiropractic

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'read with your mind, care with your heart'

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Chiropractic Paradigms

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, and contributors: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part I)

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, and contributors: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part II)

McCord KM, Schmitt WH: Quintessential Applications: A(K) Clinical Protocol. The Evolution of a Neurological & Biochemical Hierarchy

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Measure, Measure, Measure:‘Indicator testing’ and nutrients for musculoskeletal pain

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Relieving spinal stress with ‘Emotional Recall Quick Fix’

Schmitt WH, McCord KM: Set Point (Touch & Tap) Technique for chronic Injury, inflammation, and pain relief

McCord KM, Schmitt WH: Acute pain & the Quintessential Applications clinical protocol

Cuthbert S: Vitamin D and Coronavirus: Not a vaccine, nonetheless nature’s humble natural cure

Cuthbert S: Dorsal Scapular Nerve Entrapments in Motor Vehicle Accidents: An Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic Case Report

Cuthbert S: Applied Kinesiology Management of Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD): An Applied Kinesiology chiropractic case report

Cuthbert S: Best Practice Guidelines for Diagnosing Muscle Imbalance: Chiropractic versus Physiotherapy

Cuthbert S: The GenitoUrinary system in chiropractic: The neuroanatomy of the muscle-organ-gland correlation

Cuthbert S: A Colossal Chiropractic Footprint: Reflections on the influence of George J Goodheart Jr, DC, DIBAK, Founder of Applied Kinesiology upon Chiropractic, Medical, and Complementary and Alternative Medical thinking around the world

Cuthbert S, Stump JL, Stark B: Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Cuthbert S: Proprioception in Chiropractic: Measuring tone with Chiropractic Neuro-Physiology

Cuthbert S: Temporal Bone Cranial Dysfunctions: A resume of ‘The Trouble Maker of The Head’ with a focus on prevalent Vestibulo-Ocular Proprioceptive Syndromes in Chiropractic Practice

Cuthbert S: Chiropractic management of painful Tarsal Tunnel Syndromes: The neurological channels in the human foot and manual Muscle Testing

Cuthbert S:  Temporo-mandibular Joint Disorder: Differing professional treatment options reviewed in two case reports. A speculative Case Series

Cuthbert S: Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic: Clinical Algorithms for Comprehensive Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Scott Cuthbert: Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology methods for cervical herniated disc syndrome along with sciatica and bilateral frozen shoulder: A case report

Scott Cuthbert: Chiropractic management of cervical disc herniations: A case series

Gonstead Methods

Randal Johnson: Down the sacrum rabbit hole

Randal Johnson:   Down the sacrum rabbit hole: Part 2

More on the way

Chiropractic articles

Chiropractic History

Callender A: Reflections of a chiropractic historian

Peters R: The reason for remembering significant people: The story of Mary Ann Chance and why our profession is what it is in Australia today

Peters RE: The Founder of Chiropractic: Some notes on DD Palmer

Ebrall P: DD Palmer and the Egyptian Connection: A short report

Cuthbert S: A Colossal Chiropractic Footprint: Reflections on the influence of George J Goodheart Jr, DC, DIBAK, Founder of Applied Kinesiology upon Chiropractic, Medical, and Complementary and Alternative Medical thinking around the world

Cuthbert S, Lindley-Jones C, at al: A history of professional Applied Kinesiology around the world (Part I)

Smith JC: Chiselled hands: A history of manipulative therapy and Chiropractic care

Davis KY, Blum CL: A history of temporal sphenoidal (TS) diagnosis and its clinical application

Ierano J: The upper cervical Chiropractic lineage diagram project

Ebrall P: Finding the professional identity of chiropractic in Australasia that shaped education: A pragmatic narrative of the Inquiry Period from 1960 to 1979

Ebrall P: The establishment of the International College of Chiropractic (ICC) Melbourne

Ebrall P: The Emergence of Chiropractic Education in Australia

Ebrall P: RMIT University kills its Chiropractic program in Victoria

Ebrall P: Another one bites the dust: Are we witnessing the demise of our profession? [Editorial]

Ebrall P:It’s not the battles we lose that bother me, it’s the ones we don’t suit up for’ [Editorial]

Ebrall P: Survival and growth: Adversity make us do better [Editorial]

Philosophy of Chiropractic

Abrahams T: Philosophy: To be or not to be?

Weiner G: The nature of the Subluxation and the simple elegant complexity of The Adjustment: Not your Grandfather’s waterhose

Rome P, Waterhouse JD: The specific chiropractic adjustment is conducted within an articulation’s physiological range of motion: Part 4 of a series

Elbert R: Doctor, what is the intention of your adjustment? A Clinical Huddle

Blum C: Channeling healing energy: The power of touch in the chiropractic clinical encounter, Part three

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: The Vertebral Subluxation premise: Part 1: The medical literature regarding nomenclature

Policy Committee. Australian Chiropractors Association: Policy on Chiropractic Practice, Scope & Terminology

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: The Vertebral Subluxation premise: Principle 1 continued, The medical literature regarding nomenclature and onset

Ebrall P: Subluxation as a fuzzy narrative

Blum C: Yesterday when I was young [Reflection]

McDowall C-A: Evidence that may support the claim that spinal manipulative therapy can affect the patient beyond muscle and joint pain: A systematic narrative review

Seiler E: DD Palmer’s theistic spin on biology and the modern effort to hide it

Rome PL, Waterhouse JD: Medicine has failed to grasp the principles explaining chiropractic’s international success [Editorial]

McLuckie A: Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best and bracing for impact: A narrative on parallels between chiropractic education and the WCCS pandemic response

Ebrall P: A philosophy for chiropractic education in the 21st Century: A contextual prelude

Richards DM: The meaning and value of vitalism in chiropractic [Thesis]

Fox M, et al: Vitalism in a New Zealand chiropractic program

Ebrall P: Absolving Chiropractic’s indeterminacy through interdependence

This issue's challenge ...

What did DD mean when he stated that Chiropractic is founded on tone?

'new word needed'



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